House to House (H2H)

We currently have 6 House to House, or H2H, options. We encourage each person at AIM to get plugged into a H2H group. These groups establish deeper community connections as we do life on life, pray for one another and encourage each other in our pursuit of Jesus. Each H2H will be reading out Word for the Herd selection for the week. This is a chapter a day, for 5 days, each week.

May Word for the Herd

Week 19 (May 5-11) — Matthew 23-27

Week 20 (May 12-18) — Matthew 28; Romans 1-4

Week 21 (May 19-25) — Romans 5-9

Week 22 (May 26-June 1) —Romans 10-14

Download the full reading plan and read with us each week!